Welcome to Tik-Tak Swinger!

For lovers of quality entertainment.

We would like our club to be similar to a colouring book, where the place and the program are just a black and white sketch, and the colours are added by the experiences of our guests. Our club appeals to people in different ways: some like the opportunity, others like couples they have met here, a moment of lust, strange girls or men. Everybody has different ideas in their mind. This is the way this erotic journey becomes reality. And when people share their experiences with their partner, they all have different reasons, so they colour different pages in different ways.

EVERY WEDNESDAY from 9.00 p.m.

Add colour to the grey weekdays with swinger! A pleasant get-together for beginners and those who have already tried swinger.

Forwhy Tik-Tak Club is selected...

Absolute discretion

Entertain bondless. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas".


Years of experience makes us unique.

Familiar atmosphere

We will not leave you alone. The entire staff of our clubbing is at your disposal if you need help.

Great mood

Music, varied weekends, unique programs.


Club is available by phone from 5.00pm.

Phone: +36 30-606-9345
Email: info@tiktakswinger.hu

Hungary Budaörs, Árpád utca 23.