Party Info


Every Friday from 8.00 p.m. 
Cocktail & swinger Party


Every saturday
from 8.00 p.m. 

Big Swinger Party

Various thematic programmes with lots of participants!

Deep water both for beginners and returning guests.


Swinging is a lifestyle, where intimate relationships can be made in a nice, relaxing atmosphere, based on mutual attraction and free from any kind of obligation, between two or more people, joining others or just next to them. The average age of our guests is the mid thirties, most of them are between 25 and 45, but sometimes it varies downward or upward. No two nights are the same. You will find people with different body figures, the club is not exclusively for models, but we do let them in.

When arriving at, or leaving the club, you are kindly asked to be as quiet as possible, since the neighbourhood is a quiet place and we would like to keep it that way. Thank you.

We recommend that you arrive at the time of opening, because for some people it takes longer to feel relaxed and the presence of several people can help, and so you will have more time for everything else. It is also recommended to take part in more than one club programme, because every night is different. It is not a good idea to make judgements after one or two occasions.

When you enter the club, somebody will welcome you. We will show you the dressing room and you can settle the contribution fee and you get all the necessary information. You will get a waterproof bracelet for your alarmed locker and if you wish, we can place your valuables in our safe. We will show you around if you wish.

The contribution fee contains an ‘all you can eat and drink’ opportunity, therefore there’s no reason to keep cash with you. However, excessive consumption of alcohol is not recommended, because of its negative effect on the breath as well as potency. You may bring slippers to make moving around the house more comfortable. There is no reason to bring condoms, towels, shower gel or paper towels, since these are provided by the club.

You can start conversations, look around the house and feel free to sit next anyone you like. Besides looking around, it is a good idea to take the initiative and get to know people; otherwise you may miss some good things.

You can go to anyone to talk or ask questions, our guests are helpful. You can also talk about your desires, we handle these things discreetly. You may start a conversation by asking if you can sit there, introduce yourself (first name), and you may want to add if it is your first time in the club. You can ask couples or singe people alike, they all will be happy to answer.

It is important to let your partner know what you would and would not like to do before, during and after sex. Do not expect others to read your mind. If a couple misunderstands your approach and invites you upstairs to have sex with them, you may tell them that you are just collecting the necessary information, looking around and are not ready to have sex. You don’t have to explain why. (Of course, you might as well say yes, if you like them.).

The experience you get in a swinger can cause different feelings. Some couples find a new level in their relationship or may as well find their ways to back each other, and their sex life definitely gets better. Be careful though, the exact opposite can happen with unprepared couples or people in an unstable relationship.

Discuss what you would like and what you would not like to do with your partner before coming to our club. Only engage in intimate relationship with others, if you share the same ideas. It is not worth doing something that is pleasurable for one of you, but not at all for the other; for example, if you are not sure it would feel good if your partner had sex with someone else. Until you become certain about what you would like to do, the best agreement can be to be together with each other next to other couples without joining them. Only make the next step if you are both absolutely convinced that this is going to fit in your individual and common norm.

If you lie down on a bed, you can expect several people to wish to join you. A single word or a gesture is enough for the applicants to understand your intention. While having sex, you can always join others, even if you have not spoken to them, but only on the basis of mutual agreement.

People in the club sometimes experience a much more intensive increase in their libido than at home with their partner. Here they encounter a combination of stimulating sexual experiences at the same time: they have sex with several people, they are being watched, they see others next to them, they hear exciting sounds of passion and the air is full of arousing smells. So sometimes one member of the couple may be more aroused by a casual partner than their “usual” partner at home. This way, the feeling of jealousy may occur. But this is misleading. Bear in mind that there are a lot of stimuli in the club, and it does not mean that your partner enjoys being with someone else more than being with you; your partner only seems to be acting differently because of the effect of the arousing stimuli present in the swinger club.

For a woman it is usually more difficult to engage in an act of group sex, than for a man. A woman may become tensed when her partner mentions the idea of joining others in a sexual activity. She might think the reason is that she is not good enough anymore and so is going to be replaced, etc. There is one good solution: establishing an honest relationship free from jealousy. You can tell your partner that there is a very important topic you’d like to discuss. You have found something that arouses your fantasy. You can ask for her opinion and tell her what you have found for yourselves. At the first time it is usually a good idea for beginner couples to have sex with each other only, but next to other couples. You can also tell her that anyone can say ‘no’ to anyone else, and you can also help her if she would not like to feel another person’s touch. You might want to look around only, and later go to a more separated place and after that you can continue to look around or talk to other couples and be intimate again in two.

You can say ‘no’ to anyone and as many times as you wish, if you would like to be in two. You may also want to mention that if there is anything you don’t like, you just eat, drink, relax and have a good time, talk, look around and leave for home. There is no obligation to do anything; it’s just worth it. It is typical that women are less enthusiastic in the beginning than men. But when she encounters the intimate situations in the swinger and further to that, she experiences another person’s touch besides her partner’s, her mood is likely to soar rapidly. It is probable that next time she encourages her partner to go to the swinger club. It is also possible to make love next to other couples, and you only touch or caress them. You don’t have to engage in a sexual relationship and swap partners. You may show her all the information on our website and discuss all the details.

You may find it strange to see your partner with someone else, especially from such a close point of view. It may also be unusual to hear her sound different from what you know. If it makes you tensed, the solution is not that you do something that you do not find natural. The constructive solution is that you enjoy your partner’s actions unselfishly, without conditions, whatever it is that she enjoys. And of course, later you can discuss all that happened. Why would something that is good for her, be unbearable for you? You don’t want negative feelings to overwhelm you. Nobody does. But our fights about power and our imprinted behaviour make us think: ‘my partner should do things that are good for me, they should not cheat on me, and should be all mine and mine only’. But your partner will finally become a part of you truly when you set them free and help them in anything you can, whatever it may be.

Enjoy how she happily dedicates herself to pure pleasure and touches you. Enjoy that she is with you, loves you, returns to you and relies on you in many things. When you are about to leave for home you may tell her what you liked, and what you need. If you have seen anything that would excite you, tell her you could try this or that. It is worth being happy for her success. Be happy for her freedom. Be happy you have such a cheerful partner. You may choose to remind her of something you did not like for the rest of your lives, or you can choose to discuss what you desire. You can choose to live your life in jealousy, pout, and stress, guided by the need to own someone, or you can do the exact opposite.

If you confidently (but in a friendly way) approach someone in the swinger club, two things can happen. You are either rejected or accepted. If you are rejected, go and find another opportunity. The swinger club is definitely not the place to be offended.

It is not the number of single gentlemen that defines your success for the night. It is the reflection of your personality. Among several single men, women prefer to choose those who are attentive, patient, confident and do not try to shorten or skip the foreplay. They choose the nice, cultured ones and reject those, who appear to be selfish.
If you do not like what somebody is doing for any reason, you can ask them to change. If you still don’t like it, you can simply say “that was all, thanks”. Then you can join your original partner or anyone else.

The club provides an area for getting to know each other, but whether you establish a personal contact, feel good or stay reserved is totally up to you. Although, a man with a positive attitude, effective sexual communication and the right initiative can win even reserved women, so they can all go home with pleasant memories. And a woman’s kindness, friendliness and activity have a positive effect on men too.

As we all know, a swinger club offers extraordinary experiences for the participants. It can give a lot, it has lots of advantages and you can learn a lot from the other swingers. Along with the sexual experience, you will find a group full of pleasant, open-minded, funny and cultured people. But besides its advantages, it is a fact that this way of recreation may have some drawbacks (e.g. jealousy, or offence resulting from rejection or the denial of using a condom). With care and attention, a harmonic and responsible lifestyle all these can be eliminated.

Take care of your own health as well as that of your environment. Avoid going to the swinger club with herpes, or any kind of contagious disease. Make sure your nails are clean and short, if possible. Unclean nails may cause illnesses. Fortunately, people in the swinger are usually health conscious. If someone is not, the others will definitely avoid them. Having sex without a condom is absolutely not advised, except with your own partner maybe. Keeping an eye on the appropriate use of the condom is possible even during sexual activity. If you cannot see how and when he puts on the condom, e.g. because it is dark in the room, it is recommended that you quickly pull it off and put on a new one yourself. Sometimes he may try reversing a condom because it was placed inappropriately (inside-out). This is absolutely unacceptable. Once a condom touches the tip of the penis, it must not be used in a reversed way because it may be dangerous for her. Put on a new one, or ask him to do so, before engaging in anything.



The condom must be rolled all the way down, not only half the way. The half rolled condom may remain in the vagina or slip off. After finishing, always hold your penis with your fingers when you pull it out. If you fail to do so, the condom may slip off and / or remain in the vagina. Never change holes while using the same condom. Porn movies project a false image about the usual negligence of using condoms. Pussy or anus, your call. If you want to swift, always use a new condom. If you use a condom, there is no need to worry about STD’s.

You may have arguments about whether to have oral sex with or without a condom, but using one is recommended, even if this opinion is not shared by everyone. With appropriate oral games, neither can the ladies nor can the gentlemen feel the condom.

There are no expectations whether you are shaved or not. Some prefer the genital are to be shaved, and some prefer pubic hair. You shave it, or just trim it, let it be your choice. Do what you prefer.

The change in pH level of the vagina can cause unpleasant smells. If it happens the usual shower is not enough. The use of intimate wash is advised prior to having sex. If you want to have sex while you have your period, ask the hosts, because there is a natural method which helps you to safely engage in sexual activity without any problems.


Women’s typical requests for men

Don’t ask “Do you want to have sex / to screw?” It is not very polite and the answer will most probably be ‘no’. Say “I’d like to have a drink with you”, “I’d like to talk to you”, “Would you like to come to the Jacuzzi?” or “I’d be happy if you danced with me” etc. instead.


Women’s further typical requests for men

  • Legyen szemkontaktusa.
  • Simogasson, csókolgasson ne legyen az első/második érintése túlzottan intim.
  • Amikor a nemi szervével játszom, akkor ne terüljön el, hanem érintse meg közben a fejem/hajam/vállaimat, stb.
  • A mell egy érzékeny testrész, és kényeztetésre van szükségük.
  • A gyorstüzelők népszerűtlenekké válnak; az aktus meghosszabbítása megtanulható.
  • Kérdezzen rá, hová fejezheti be az aktust.
  • A férfi merje használni a sóhajtásait, a hangját az aktus közben.
  • Szex alatt ne az izmaival foglalkozzon, hanem a partnerére figyeljen.
  • Orális szexnél se legyen gépies és ne tűnjön úgy, mintha aludna közben.
  • Legyen szenvedélyes.
  • Legyen határozott, bátor, kezdeményező.
  • Ne kelljen figyelmeztetni az óvszer használatára.
  • Ügyeljen rá, hogy ne legyen erősen cigi/alkoholszagú a lehelete.
  • Érezze a nő, hogy rá van szüksége a pasinak.
  • Tudja az ujjait megfelelően használni.
  • Borotválkozzon röviddel szex előtt (az arc felületén).
  • Szex végén ne hagyja ott a nőt, hanem kényeztessék még egy ideig egymást.
  • Óvatosan kezdje a pénisz bevezetését a hüvelybe, mert aktus elején még nem biztos, hogy a nő kész a befogadásra.
  • Ha egy nő aktusban van, halkan kérdezzen rá az odajövő partner: szabad-e megérintenem téged, idejöhetek-e stb.
  • Ne vegyenek fel régi típusú alsónadrágot. Több nőt izgat a boxer, és kiábrándítja a régi típusú „nagyapógatyó”.


Men’s typical requests for women

  • Wear erotic lingerie. Lot of men like to undress women slowly and they don’t prefer is she does it herself instead.
  • Do not wear too much perfume. Less is more.
  • Do not lie as if you were asleep. Live with every part of your body.
  • Dare to use your hands and tongue in different ways while giving oral sex.
  • Be careful with your teeth while arousing the penis.
  • Women who are more than tipsy are not attractive.
  • Know how to use your nails and make sure you do not cause injuries with them.
  • Express your passion with a moan of pleasure all the time, but do not overact it.
  • Smile. Happy women get a lot more attention.


You can sleep here after the party. If you wish to do so, please let us know when you arrive. The inside life of a swinger club is a lot more fun than most people think.

Have Fun!


Club is available by phone from 5.00pm.

Phone: +36 30-606-9345

Hungary Budaörs, Árpád utca 23.